Launch Talk2M wizard using basic scripting

Instead of using the web wizard and so configure the Talk2M connection, you can launch it by using some Basic script.

It is possible with the command: SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG",....

This command can be used to trigger the Talk2M configuration wizard from Basic.
This function can take 1, 2,3 or 4 parameters:

  • SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG",S1
    S1 is the activation key
  •  SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG",S1,S2
    S1 is the activation key
    S2 is the connection mode (as string).
    Possible values are:
    • "0": Automatic detection
    • "1": UDP
    • "2": TCP (HTTPS) direct connection
    • "3": TCP through proxy (HTTPS)
  • SetSys PRG,”T2MCFG”,S1,S2,S3
    S1 is the eWON Name as defined in Talk2M
    S2 is the login of the Talk2M user who has access to the eWON configuration
    S3 is the password of the given Talk2M user.
  • SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG",S1,S2,S3,S4
    S1 is the eWON Name as defined in Talk2M
    S2 is the login of the Talk2M user who has access to the eWON configuration
    S3 is the password of the given Talk2M user.
    S4 is the connection mode (as string).
    Possible values are:
    • "0": Automatic detection
    • "1": UDP
    • "2": TCP (HTTPS) direct connection
    • "3": TCP through proxy (HTTPS)

Example: To launch the Talk2M wizard through a Proxy using the activation key, use following basic script:

SETSYS COM, "WANPxyPort", 8124
SETSYS COM, "WANPxyUsr","abcd\jcn"
SETSYS COM, "WANPxyPass","Mt8ert45"

SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG","CDD81DD701F2516D8D038E95A6A5E3", "3"